Sahyadri Engineeing offer a variety of bucket elevator designs and sizes to handle materials ranging from dry dusty powders such as fly ash, to heavy materials such as iron ore pellets. Bucket elevators can be ordered in several configurations, including centrifugal belt, centrifugal chain, continuous belt, continuous single chain and continuous double chain.

Centrifugal Bucket Elevators

Centrifugal bucket elevators are chosen when there is a need to move large amounts of material quickly. Instead of direct loading, buckets serve as the loading apparatus, scooping material up from the boot or inlet section. For this reason, durable buckets should be selected with this design. Centrifugal force at the head pulley “throws” material from the buckets into the discharge chute.

Centrifugal style elevators are ideal for materials like Raw Meal, Cement, sand, gravel, woodchips, and other free flowing bulk materials where fragility is not a concern.

Continuous Bucket Elevators

Continuous bucket elevators are designed to handle friable, fragile materials to minimize product degradation or damage.

Material is fed into the buckets from an inlet chute. Buckets are closely spaced on the belt or chain to allow the material to flow over the backside of the preceding bucket, whose extended sides form a chute to guide the material into the discharge spout.

​Standard sizes

​Our standard Sizes are 300mm, 400mm, 500mm, 650mm, 800mm catering capacities from up to 500 m3/hr.

Special sizes and configurations on request.
